

       Hape國際控股集團總部為位于瑞士盧塞恩(Luzern),主要為全球0-6歲寶貝研發(fā)益智木玩,啟蒙和促進兒童的健康成長與發(fā)展;提倡并秉承生態(tài)、環(huán)保的生產(chǎn)和生活方式,積極為世界環(huán)境保護與可持續(xù)發(fā)展做出貢獻。近三十年來,Hape?玩具一直堅持原創(chuàng),集團集合了一批來自全世界各地的優(yōu)秀設計師,使用天然高品質(zhì)的環(huán)保材料和德國的制造工藝及標準,使得Hape的每一款玩具都得以成為童年生活中綿長的陪伴。本次CBME育兒網(wǎng)有幸邀請到了Hape集團總裁Peter Handstein 為我們講述Hape的市場規(guī)劃與品牌理念。


       Q1: As we know, it is the 30th anniversary of Hape this year, so is there any big project in your mind? Would you please give us a brief introduction about it?

       Peter: 是的,中國人常說“三十而立”,對一家企業(yè)而言,三十年也是一個重要的里程碑。我們相信,玩其實是存在于每一個人的基因中的,不僅僅是和平年代和平地區(qū)的孩子,每個人都有玩的基因,都愛玩。

今年,我們推出了一個叫做“We Care We Share”的慈善項目。我們甄選了戰(zhàn)區(qū)、貧困地區(qū)、災區(qū)和資源匱乏地區(qū)以及自閉癥兒童進行幫扶。每售出一款三十周年“臻享積木”,我們即向阿富汗、尼泊爾、敘利亞、津巴布韋有需要的孩子及中國自閉癥孩子捐贈一款玩具。



       Peter: Yes, like Chinese often say ‘sān shí ér lì’, for an enterprise, 30 years is also an important milestone. We believe that play is in the DNA of every human being. Because it is in the DNA, not only children in peacetime and peaceful territories like to play, everybody does, everybody has the drive to play.

       This year we launched a charity program called ‘We Care We Share’, we've selected countries affected by war, poverty, natural disasters, or lack of resources to partner with in our ?We Care, We Share? program. When you purchase a set of Hape 30th Anniversary blocks, a toy will be donated to a child in need in Syria, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Nepal, or China.

In China, we donate to autistic children, and till today, we have donated to rehabilitation centers, hospitals and schools in ALL 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 4 autonomous municipalities.

All our acts are reflections of what we believe and advocate, we care for mind development, and we care for Love Play·Learn.


       Q2:Hape has attracted much attention and as well as anticipation from China market, we in China which is hoping Hape continue to pass on the philosophy of “l(fā)ove play, learn” to Chinese families. Compared with the past years, any new ideas and plans in your mind for domestic market?

       Peter:在渠道方面,Hape今年不僅完成了在一二線城市精品百貨的精耕細作,也會拓展反斗城、baby store等新渠道。之后我們也會在品牌酒店、餐廳等場所、渠道展現(xiàn)全新的品牌形象,開啟新的母嬰合作生態(tài)模式。在推廣方面,我們堅持打造全新的品牌形象。對比往年,也更注重跨界合作及品牌推廣,針對Hape “Love play · Learn”(在玩中學)的理念,引導爸爸媽媽們認知環(huán)保玩具和對益智性作用的認知。另外,我們也會通過更多的達人來傳遞我們的理念,堅守初心。在產(chǎn)品方面,我們今年十分重視在設計方面的投入,更加注重在產(chǎn)品研發(fā)的全面性及功能性的提升。


      另外還重點推出了兩條設計師線。一個是今年一經(jīng)推出就反響強烈的火車軌道系列。它出自我們的瑞典玩具設計師之手,低齡、高齡兩個年齡組的劃分,讓這個系列更適合各年齡的寶寶玩耍。飽含設計師自己的創(chuàng)意和想法,在很多細節(jié)處理上有很多驚喜。除了現(xiàn)已推出的火車軌道多能套以外,后續(xù)我們也會繼續(xù)推出這個系列的其它更為豐富多彩的火車軌道玩具。另外一個是即將進入中國市場的George Luck創(chuàng)意拼圖產(chǎn)品線。這個拼圖品牌歷史悠久,采用獨特的英式風格設計,如藝術創(chuàng)意圖案、不規(guī)則拼接和多層拼圖等特點,而且它具有很強大的教學益智功能。這些都造就了它的與眾不同。

       Peter: In terms of channels, Hape has not only completed the detailed preparation and paved the road for setting up the department stores in first tier and second tier metropolis, but also will explore new channels such as Toys R Us and Baby Store. We are also preparing a series of cross-brandings with premium hotels and restaurants, in order to open up a new cooperative mode.In terms of promotion, we insist on strengthening our brand image. Comparing with the year before, we focus more on cross-industry cooperation and brand promotion. Adhering to “Love play · Learn”, the philosophy that Hape holds dear to heart, we will continuously guide parents to cognize the importance of playing with ecological educational toys; moreover, we will ask more talents and opinion leaders to deliver our mission and vision that we have been maintaining for the last 30 years.In terms of product, we are paying more attention to design, emphasizing more on comprehensiveness and improving functions through product development.

      This year, we released special items as a tribute to our 30th anniversary for our customers. The items are not only a salute for the classic, but also an intermedia for promoting the advanced educational method of the western system.

       In addition, we launched another two design lines, one is the hot railway lin from our Swedish designer. The division of two age groups enables all children to play with it. With full creativity and inspiration, the design will surprise you in many details. Besides the current launched multi-function set, later on we will also launch more sets for this line. Another one is George Luck Puzzle, an innovative puzzle originated from UK with a long history, now it enters China market with its unique British style, characterized in creative art, irregular stitching and multi-layer puzzles, along with its strong educational function, has made this line unique.



       Q3:Please give a summary on the past half year of 2016.


       Peter: We launched a grand parent-child interactive activity called “Dream Experience House” in China. The premiere took place in Suzhou on May 21, followed by roadshows in cities like Beijing, Shijiangzhuang, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guiyang, Zunyi, Changzhou and Kunshan. The message behind this activity is that children get to experience their dream career role by trying categorized Hape toys.There was another highlight for this activity is the digital sensory technology, it is a nice combination between “Black Tech” and toys. No matter child or adult, they both can ‘put on’ different uniforms, interacting with Hape toys, experiencing the wonderful feeling about being a musician, engineer or other professions, and they can take a photo as a ‘memory of the future’. The outcome was very good, both child and parent love it. Besides, up from May 26, Hape exclusively sponsored a reality show “Hot Mamas” on Youku. The 10-episodes ongoing reality show invited 10 talented Chinese mommies from different industries to share their parenting experiences and stories. 


       Q4: What are the attractive points of Hape in CBME

       Peter:在CBME上帶有Hape標志的展位形象將全新亮相,屆時今年反響熱烈的火車軌道系列、創(chuàng)意拼圖George Luck、30周年臻享系列均有展出,在這里大家還能看到Hape在優(yōu)酷親子《花Young媽媽》入鏡的同款花樣系列。同時也能深刻感受到Hape帶來的玩具理念和生活方式。

       Peter: On this year’s CBME, Hape booth has another face-lifting with our newly launched railway series, innovative George Luck Puzzles as well as Hape 30th anniversary items; moreover, you will also see these items featured in the reality show “Hot Mamas" on Youkou, by that means that you will feel the philosophy and the life style that Hape brings along.



       Q5:June 29 has been honored as “Little Prince Day”, Hape , as the licensee of LLP also participated in the activity, could you please give us a brief introduction about the licensing project and the specific activity on “629 Little Prince Day“?

       Peter:2015年達成與電影《小王子》的授權合作是Hape三十年以來第一次涉足授權領域。能夠造就了Hape小王子系列玩具的誕生不僅是緣分使然,也是Hape和《小王子》那種根性的聯(lián)結(jié)和價值觀的契合。去年五月,Hape攜手小王子一起亮相戛納電影節(jié),緊隨其后Hape還在巴黎舉辦了歷史上首次全球新品發(fā)布會,北京三里屯太古里舉辦了“遇見小王子”中國首映禮活動,并在上海完成了Hape新品發(fā)布會。今年6月29日,Hape攜手周大福、THE BEAST、Little Star等各大品牌,以及唯品會、滴滴快車等各大平臺共慶小王子日,在電商平臺、自媒體平臺掀起狂歡熱潮。與此同時,,Hape攜手滴滴打車,在廣州、上海站開啟話題為#打滴滴遇見小王子#送福利活動。無疑,與小王子的授權合作是難得的經(jīng)驗,讓Hape在追尋童心,益智成長的的道路中走得更加鏗鏘有力。

       Peter: Cooperating with the movie The Little Prince in 2015 has been the very first licensing deal in the Hape history. The shared vision and values with the masterpiece has made this cooperation happen. May last year, Hape showed up at Cannes International Film Festival with The Little Prince casting team together, we also held a first global product release in Paris thereafter and various regional product releases like in Shanghai.On June 29th of this year, Hape celebrated the Little Prince Day together with  other well-known brands such as Chow Tai Fook, the Beast, Little Star etc. as well as VIP.com and car rentel APP Didi. This has raised another wave on e-commerce platform. With the car rentel APP Didi, we launched a theme called “Meeting Your Little Prince” and with Hape giveaways.Undoubtedly, it has been a precious experience for Hape to cooperate with The Little Prince, it has also helped us to grow on the road persuing childlike innocence and gaining intelligence growth. 

